
Austin Things

The last week and a half, I've been trying to get into some groove of life in Austin. Since I am still in search of a job (anyone need a social worker?), mostly getting in the groove consists of meeting fellow Austinites and spending time with them doing things Austin-y things. Honestly, I'm being facetious with that statement since after almost 4 weeks here, I am still not sure what an Austin-y thing to do is. Mostly, I categorize it as something that I am not able to do back home in the Northeast or something that relates to Austin being the Live Music Capital of the States.

So, the other weekend, I went out to do "Truck Things" with a new friend who just bought a truck. Not really sure what "truck things" are, but I found that it consists of off-roading and kicking up a lot of dust.

After our fun truck things, we cooled off in the river/lake. (Of course it was blazing hot that day... like every day!!!)

This past weekend was yet another Austin-y adventure. Friday night, I headed downtown to dirty 6th, to catch a Bluegrass/Blues-y rock band play on one of the rooftop bars. From there, I got a good view of the "owl" on the Frost Bank building. (Just disregard the two red lights in front of the owl building).

There was more music to be had on Sunday when we headed to Longs Center to watch some of the players from the Austin Symphony play string renditions of hits by Lady Gaga, Michael Jackson and Elton John. It's a good way to get some softcore classical music into the lives of your average citizen. We laid out some mats on the ground to enjoy some fruit, wine, good music and an amazing view of downtown.

So for sure, I am enjoying some of my time in this city. Still uncertain of my future down here, but as they say, try to appreciate the now and the time that you've been given. Maybe tomorrow everything will change and you'd regret not giving it a chance.

1 comment:

  1. Did YOU get to drive when you did "truck things?" :)

    Anyway, since you're in Austin and since it's summer, you might want to check this out: http://www.budgettravel.com/slideshow/photos-amazing-public-pools%2C7523/ . Go to slides 7-9. Tell us about it when you get to do it. :)
