
Chocolate-covered Bacon

Yes, you read that right.  

THIS!!! Complete with powdered sugar. Ew...

But, let me start from the beginning. The other night, I spent an evening at an event with a church here called Gateway. This is the second event that I've attended so I'm still getting used to it. The way they worship is completely different from my more traditional sensibilities, which has definitely been challenging my comfort level. The people I've met though have been really nice, so overall a good experience so far. In this particular one, we shared something that has challenged us in the last two years. During the course of our conversations, we were able to see connections with some of our life experiences and prayed for each other. This was especially awesome for me considering the turmoil that I've been feeling since my move here. 

I know, many of you are like.. turmoil? But didn't you want to move to Austin?  

Yea. But just because it's something you want, it doesn't mean that you cannot feel the negative after effects of being in completely unfamiliar environment. As much as I wanted out of the east coast, I knew the ins and outs of being there. Not to mention, a support system of girlfriends and guyfriends etc. who I could just call up for a chat or a drink or whatever. Here... I'm still the noob.. learning the ropes while I have the added pressure of being unemployed.  That's a lot of overwhelming pressure. Argh!

Anyway, so I get to chat with fellow Christians and prayed and it was good.  Then.. we went to the after party, if you will. It was at a place called Frank where they specialize in... guess.... franks, duh!

Actually, I think my bratwurst did look like this.
After eating our yummies and downing them with cream soda (that did not taste anything like cream soda), one of the other members who was acquainted with someone at the table offered us his last piece of chocolate-covered bacon. Not one to say no to new things, the table split little pieces of this new gourmet delight (apparently all the rage in New York!?!  I must've missed that memo!) . Turns out.. I really didn't like it. But hey, to each his (or her) own.

Though I wasn't a big fan of this.. it had me thinking that there may be a life lesson in this creative mixture. I mean, I loooove bacon. And I uber-love chocolate. So why do I dislike them together?

toothpaste + orange juice
Well, in life, you can combine two awesome things like bacon and chocolate, but they don't necessarily blend well together. I know, wow, Faye, so insightful! But really. Think about it. Imagine those two things that you absolutely love individually and imagine what if they were combined? Sometimes, it would turn out of be friggin' amazing. Other times, ehh... not so much.  

So, you're probably waiting for a more concrete example that I can share with you. Hate to burst your bubble, but I don't really have one. Not one that I can share. And really only because I cannot verbalize it yet. All I can add is that these two awesome things that you put together... they may look good on the outside, like this bacon-y, chocolate-y goodness.  However, when you take a bite out, it turns out not as awesome as you first thought. Again, like in life. Some things looks really appetizing on the outside and you cannot wait to get a taste of it. But then once you do, it can be something you completely did not expect and perhaps a little disappointing. Okay, maybe sometimes a lot disappointing (just imagine how I felt after taking a bite out of that bacon!). 

I guess in the end, as they say, be careful what you wish for. And for the record, I'm not saying that all these depressingly morose life points I've been sharing are particularly true to my situation now. For sure, it isn't all lollipops and roses. But, it is definitely exciting to have a chance to recreate a life that I have always known and hopefully shape it into more of how I would like to live. Honestly, as much as I dislike the cons of moving to a new place, I definitely try to think of it as a good challenge. There are goals that I have set for myself while I am here. And it is also an opportunity for me to get rid of all my crutches and codependencies. Most importantly, it gives me a chance to really learn the meaning of faith and trust in God's will. I mean, what better way than when you feel completely defenseless and alone, right? :)

Sometimes, we all need to close our eyes and throw ourselves off the proverbial (please not literal) cliff to see what you are really made of.


Lost in Austin

When I originally wanted to start this blog, I wanted to name it "Lost in Austin". Yes, it isn't the most original sounding. But, it wasn't because I was being corny and discuss how I am now a wanderer of this new land, hoping to find the meaning of it all. Nope. It is because I am a Jane Austen fan and some time ago, there came out a movie called "Lost in Austen"that I happen to love! The movie is corny, but I don't care. I will not call it a guilty pleasure because there is no shame and no guilt involved with how much I love watching it.

But I digress... (And FYI, sadly that blog name is already taken, hence this blog name instead).

So here I am in Austin, Texas. Why Texas!?! I ask myself that a lot since, frankly, several months ago, I was one of those people who would not have been caught dead here. (No offense, Texans.) But, back in February, as my future post-grad life flashed before my eyes, all I knew was that I wanted OUT of where I had been living for the majority of my life. I wanted something NEW, something DIFFERENT.  And since I'm pretty much a year and a half away from being 30, darn it.. I needed to do it now!

Well, new and different is exactly what I got. I've been in Texas for a week now and there is definitely a lot of adjusting to do. For example, I never realized how big of a snob I was until I got here. Typically, I'm the type of person who is open to anyone and everyone, gives everyone the benefit of the doubt and tries not to judge harshly without knowing the person and the situation.  For some reason, I seem to have it in for Texas, and I didn't even know it! Constantly I have to fight myself not to judge everyone. It's like I'm on the defensive and I have no idea why. (Sorry, Texans!)

However, before you shake your head and send evil glares my way as you mouth "damn liberal yankee".... I am not really a yankee.. nor am I completely liberal. But I guess that's not the point.  The real important message to my honest disclosure of that fact is that I am aware of how completely unfair I am being with all that "judge-iness", especially because I know and continue to meet some pretty awesome people who live in Texas. So, maybe spending a chapter of my life in this lone star state might help improve my point of view. At the end of this stint, I will be even more open minded to a fault that you can put me up for sainthood!  Though, I guess some people would say I'm sort of cheating is Austin is the most liberal city in all of Texas and many Austinites are people who have relocated from other states. But we gotta start somewhere, right?