
Flowers on the Lake

A couple of weekends ago, I went kayaking on Town Lake. This is one of the small pleasures that I find in Austin. It is easy to take part in outdoor activities since the weather is mainly mild and because Austin is filled with many active people. Months ago, I bought a voucher. Since it was about to expire in 5 days, I had to make use of it quickly.

During this ride, I ran into the usual things in the downtown area. There was a little shallow part that made ducks look like they were walking on water.  Turtles were popping their heads up through the water as well as sunning themselves on the rocks. There was the familiar musky odor and distinctive screechy noise coming out from the Congress Bridge where thousands of bats live! 

Then, as I glided through the water, I noticed that right under the surface, there were tiny white flowers blooming. I looked harder and saw that these flowers were growing everywhere and in some parts, they also broke through to the surface! It was pretty magical seeing this impromptu garden of delicate flowers right in the middle of the lake.
pretty flower growing in the lake!

When I got home, I googled it (of course!) and discovered that they are called fanwort.  They look like the picture above. Isn't that adorable?

The Austin Statesman even had an article written about them earlier this month: http://www.statesman.com/news/local/beneficial-plant-takes-hold-in-lady-bird-lake-2426364.html.

It seems that the appearance of these plants is pretty unique! So, considering the high probability that I would not make it out to the lake again for a while, I'm glad I got the chance to enjoy these flowers before they disappear.


Camping Fun

Tonight, my friends and I are heading out to camp at the Big Bend National Park. Sure, there's definitely feelings of excitement. But, I am not gonna lie. I am kinda nervous. It's not like I haven't gone camping before.  However, this is the first time we're doing it backpacking style, carrying all our water, food and... (the best part) using the big outdoors as our toilet. A sarc mark should be inserted somewhere there. Although, growing up in the Philippines has given me some experience in that latter issue, it seems more intimidating when coupled with backpacking out in the desert rather than near the comfort of a house and family. And we're gonna be out there for 5 days! Fun!

Preparing for this trip has been pretty interesting, though. I got a legitimate backpack and even got myself a hydration bladder! Though, that's not the interesting part. What I found most surprising (or I guess not considering where I am) is that the outdoors equipment store here called Academy sells guns at their store! You don't see that in New Jersey.  Life in Austin does not usually afford too many "real" Texan experiences. But this was a good reminder.

Of course, since I'm about to embark into the big wild desert, I start thinking of what kind of wildlife we may or may not encounter. Snakes and scorpions are top on my list of critters not to meet. However, there could be the possible mountain lion or black bear. I have to admit that the thought of running into one of these make me one to get something extra to protect myself just in case. Don't worry, I didn't get one. The thought only just grazed my mind.

Anyway, I think I'm worrying too much. This is going to be one fun experience and a great trip, I'm sure. We're supposed to head to an area near the Rio Grande River as well! I'll let you all know how it turns out.


Springtime in Austin

It's pretty amazing!

Experiencing spring in the hill country of Texas is surprisingly one of my favorite experiences here in Austin. This city never fails to surprise me.

I love the fields... even patches by the highway that are filled with wildflowers bursting with fragrant colorfulness. The ones pictured above are called bluebonnets. They are everywhere!! Definitely a sight that I  lacked back in the east coast and yet have absolutely craved. Apparently, last spring didn't have enough rains to produce this kind of beauty. Therefore, for this spring season, I feel very lucky to have it. In fact, the first chance that I found, I galloped across this field. Though, I was careful of each step since snakes are pretty common around this state. 

The unfortunate side of the prolific plant life are the allergies. Oak are in full force. I didn't even realize I was allergic to it.  Though they say that if you live in Austin long enough, you'll eventually succumb to this affliction.
Neverthless, I love how this area is not like the rest of Texas. It has nature, rolling hills and just a lot of gorgeously beautiful, scenic areas.  It is just refreshing on the eyes in comparison to the concrete jungle that I've had to navigate the last couple of years.

Who knows  where I will be next spring, but I definitely intend to make the most of this while I have it for this moment.