
Camping Fun

Tonight, my friends and I are heading out to camp at the Big Bend National Park. Sure, there's definitely feelings of excitement. But, I am not gonna lie. I am kinda nervous. It's not like I haven't gone camping before.  However, this is the first time we're doing it backpacking style, carrying all our water, food and... (the best part) using the big outdoors as our toilet. A sarc mark should be inserted somewhere there. Although, growing up in the Philippines has given me some experience in that latter issue, it seems more intimidating when coupled with backpacking out in the desert rather than near the comfort of a house and family. And we're gonna be out there for 5 days! Fun!

Preparing for this trip has been pretty interesting, though. I got a legitimate backpack and even got myself a hydration bladder! Though, that's not the interesting part. What I found most surprising (or I guess not considering where I am) is that the outdoors equipment store here called Academy sells guns at their store! You don't see that in New Jersey.  Life in Austin does not usually afford too many "real" Texan experiences. But this was a good reminder.

Of course, since I'm about to embark into the big wild desert, I start thinking of what kind of wildlife we may or may not encounter. Snakes and scorpions are top on my list of critters not to meet. However, there could be the possible mountain lion or black bear. I have to admit that the thought of running into one of these make me one to get something extra to protect myself just in case. Don't worry, I didn't get one. The thought only just grazed my mind.

Anyway, I think I'm worrying too much. This is going to be one fun experience and a great trip, I'm sure. We're supposed to head to an area near the Rio Grande River as well! I'll let you all know how it turns out.

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