But I digress... (And FYI, sadly that blog name is already taken, hence this blog name instead).
So here I am in Austin, Texas. Why Texas!?! I ask myself that a lot since, frankly, several months ago, I was one of those people who would not have been caught dead here. (No offense, Texans.) But, back in February, as my future post-grad life flashed before my eyes, all I knew was that I wanted OUT of where I had been living for the majority of my life. I wanted something NEW, something DIFFERENT. And since I'm pretty much a year and a half away from being 30, darn it.. I needed to do it now!

However, before you shake your head and send evil glares my way as you mouth "damn liberal yankee".... I am not really a yankee.. nor am I completely liberal. But I guess that's not the point. The real important message to my honest disclosure of that fact is that I am aware of how completely unfair I am being with all that "judge-iness", especially because I know and continue to meet some pretty awesome people who live in Texas. So, maybe spending a chapter of my life in this lone star state might help improve my point of view. At the end of this stint, I will be even more open minded to a fault that you can put me up for sainthood! Though, I guess some people would say I'm sort of cheating is Austin is the most liberal city in all of Texas and many Austinites are people who have relocated from other states. But we gotta start somewhere, right?
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